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A Quick Weekend in L.A. - Part One

At the end of April, my mom and I flew across the country to L.A. for a whirlwind of a girls' weekend. We had three extremely packed days, with little sleep, and a whole lot of jet lag. But would we do it again? In a heartbeat.

The whole point of the trip was for my cousin's sweet 16 at the Petersen Automotive Museum, on Friday night. We arrived Friday afternoon, helped set up the venue, partied all night long with our family, and then got a few hours of well deserved sleep at the beautiful Sofitel. But before the night ended, we stopped by Urban Light at LACMA, because when in L.A., right?

P.S. If you're ever in town, definitely check out the Petersen Museum, and our night at the Sofitel was wonderful!

Saturday began with a quick family brunch, then off to The Grove for some shopping and sunshine. I only bought snacks (hello Dominique Ansel and Ladurée) - those L.A. taxes are not my cup of tea. Pennsylvania, I love you and your lack of clothing tax more and more every day. 

After leaving the Grove, we went over to Melrose Avenue, mainly with the intent of checking out the Away store. But before we stopped to look at suitcases, we swung by the (at the time) future location of the Melrose Glossier store. Can't wait to actually get in there when we're back in July!

After checking out the future Glossier (it's now open!), we walked over to Away, where we picked up the bag I've had heart eyes for since it launched: the Bigger Carry-On in Blush. Luckily, they were able to hold on to the bag for us until we finished exploring Melrose Ave., so we stopped by Alfred Tea Room at my godsister's suggestion - and well, I have a new favorite pink drink. 

Of course, while on Melrose Avenue, we had to stop by some very Instagrammable walls, but I'll spare you the basic-ness, and skip ahead to the highlight of the day for me: finally getting my hands on some In N Out. Since I don't eat red meat, my only option was the grilled cheese - which was delicious - and I opted for animal style fries and a chocolate shake. 10/10 would do again, and will do again when we return in a few months. 

After I'd finally had my first taste of the West Coast staple, we went back to my aunt's house to relax for a bit, and then made our way to Malibu for dinner at Nobu. While my pictures from the restaurant are pretty limited (it was late, and the lighting was no one's friend), it was one of the nicest nights I've had in a while. Beautiful ocean views, laughing with loved ones I don't get to see often enough, enjoying some truly delicious sushi, and an insane amount of shared appetizers. Once dinner was over, and we drove back to L.A., mom and I packed up, and prepared for our early morning drive to Anaheim to go to Disneyland. You can find our Disneyland adventure in Part Two.