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Our Disney Traditions

With just about 20 years of annual Disney trips under my belt, there are habits I've developed. While there are certainly some newer traditions, some have lasted from our earliest trips. From rides, to where we stop for lunch, down to how I walk through the parks, some things never change. While I love trying new things and always make it a point to do something I've never done before on each visit, there are some things that just have to happen. 


Land Order

Once you reach the end of Main Street, U.S.A., you have quite a few options of how to proceed. I started to realized that I go the same way every time. Passing the Partners Statue, and crossing the bridge (which also happens to be my favorite spot in the entire park) to Liberty Square, but turning right by Sleepy Hollow, and heading towards the castle. I do part of Fantasyland first, then head down to Liberty Square, then make my way to Frontierland. Frontierland to Adventureland, and back to stroll along Main Street, U.S.A. for a second before completing my going back to do the rest of Fantasyland, and then finally cross over into Tomorrowland. Of course, this is how it goes when I don't have FastPasses all over the place, or we're only in the park for an hour or so. And if my parents are there, we always go to Cosmic Ray's Starlight Café for a simple lunch. 

ears | similar buttons

First Visit Starbucks

Ever since Main Street Bakery was blessed with a Starbucks, stopping here on our first visit of the trip to MK has simply become habit. I don't know how it became just the first visit to MK, but the first time we set foot in that park during a trip - everyone knows to go straight to the coffee - no questions asked. We don't really go back to that Starbucks on any subsequent MK visits, it's basically just become the "first visit first stop." 

Last Day Waffles

While this is certainly a newer tradition, it's one we've only missed once since starting it. On the last day of every trip, we swing by Magic Kingdom for one last Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich, sit on the Hub Grass, and people watch. 


I don't care if I don't ride anything else the entire trip: if I don't get on the PeopleMover, the trip was a bust. It's the best way to beat the heat, take in a great view, and there's nothing better than staying on for another round when it's not busy. 

similar shirt | ears were purchased in Walt Disney World 


Soarin',  Mission Space, and Spaceship Earth

When I was little, I LOVED roller coasters. But the second I turned 10, they became the worst things in the world. I didn't like anything that went too fast (see ya later, Test Track), too high, or really...just did anything at all. My dad on the other hand, LIVES for this kind of thing. So the only rides that we were both okay with were Soarin' and Mission Space - the Orange level, thank you very much. While everyone in the family will go on Soarin', Mission Space has become a signature ride just for me and dad.

As for Spaceship Earth, a.k.a. the "Giant Golf Ball"...when we did our big family trips growing up, it was the perfect ride for all of us little kids, and gave the adults a break from pushing us around in those bulky park strollers. So if the line wasn't ridiculous, we always rode SSE. Nowadays, it's the same story: if the line doesn't make me want to pull my hair out, I'll hop on for old times' sake, and if my parents are there, it's an absolute must. 

And P.S., after a long absence, at age 22, I rode Test Track again - and did not cry. 

R.I.P. Maelstrom

EPCOT has been my family's favorite park for as long as I can remember. It has something for everyone, and to this day, is the only park my parents will willingly visit. Until 2014, we always made it rode Maelstrom in the Norway Pavilion. Growing up, I got such a kick out of the trolls sending our boat backwards, and that never really changed. When the ride changed over a few years ago, I was truly skeptical. While the whole "going backwards and then down a slide" element is still there, it just isn't the same. Don't get me wrong, I think Frozen Ever After is fun and cute, it just doesn't hold any of the childhood magic for me that Maelstrom did. 

World Showcase Order

With the exception of one recent trip, we always start in Mexico, being sure to hit the Gran Fiesta Tour, then make our way around the rest of the World. Typically, we stop for lunch in my mom's favorite country: France. Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie was our usual stop, but we finally tried Chefs de France last year, and will be returning again soon!


Pour one out for Downtown Disney. After long days at the park, or even on a "do nothing" day, my parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and I would all trek over to Downtown Disney for a meal, to play with Legos, and check out whatever else was going on. It's still our go-to spot for a quick bite, or some entertainment, but one thing that absolutely hasn't changed: I have to get a new soap from Basin. Every. Single. Time. 

Another more recent "must" is picking up a new Alex & Ani bracelet. While this is something I could do elsewhere, my mom and I have always gone to World of Disney to pick out a new bracelet to commemorate the trip. 

We don't really have any traditions at Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom, oops! Growing up, they were always tied for my least favorite park, and even now, I don't spend as much time there as I should. Pandora has definitely made me love DAK more, but I was traumatized by the poachers on Kilimanjaro Safaris as a child. It's definitely growing on me, though I still consider it to be a half day park. Same goes for Hollywood Studios - until I get to see Toy Story Land this summer, that is.

Do you have any Disney traditions? Tell me in the comments below, or comment here on my latest Instagram post!

