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8 tips for shopping small business openings this holiday season

shopping small is one of the best ways to find a unique gift any time of the year - but especially during the holidays! these tips are geared towards shopping from a small business online (versus in person), so keep that in mind! many smaller businesses have shop openings, or “drops,” meaning that their products are released in smaller quantities, so speed is key here. aside from having a good internet connection and quick hands, here are my best tips - as someone who loves a good shop drop and typically manages to snag everything I planned to get within a matter of seconds or minutes!

  1. make a customer account

    if the site has an option to create a customer account, definitely do it! it’s the best way to have your info saved and can cut out a ton of time if you aren’t the speediest typer or don’t have your address saved on autofill or something similar. if the site uses a platform like shopify, and you’ve shopped there before, you may get a text with a code that will fill out your information even faster!

  2. sign up for emails/newsletters

    get on that email list! sometimes you’ll get exclusive discounts or early access to product info, or even the chance to shop early!

  3. follow them on social media

    one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with shop is through the social media. you can see their products in action, fun behind-the-scenes looks, and get a better idea of the creators you’re supporting!

  4. go in with a game plan!

    make a list, check it twice. seriously, though! know what you want ahead of time. know quantities, sizes, color, etc. go in knowing exactly what you want! (tip: if the shop has a search feature, or opens for preview early, keep the tabs open of the products you want so you aren’t scrambling last minute)!

  5. have your payment info handy

    if you don’t have your card info saved on your computer/phone (which I fully support for safety reasons, especially if on a shared device), have that bb ready to go! if the shop support paypal, make sure you’re logged in and ready. you don’t want to be fumbling around last minute to pay! remember that more often than not, just because you have something in your cart, doesn’t mean it’s reserved. it can still sell out before your purchase goes through, so be sure you’re READY.

  6. be ready to go at least 5 minutes early

    log in, have your shopping list up, get that payment info ready, and watch the clock. note that lots of people on the site at one time means load times may be slower, so be patient, but ready!

  7. come back for seconds

    get the “must-haves” on your list first. if you’re browsing and thinking “this would be nice, but I don’t need it,” come back for it later! once you’ve secured what was on your original list, you can go back and see if there’s anything else that catches your eye, and try to order it if it’s still available!

  8. ABOVE ALL, do NOT complain on social media

    maybe you didn’t get everything you wanted, or even anything you wanted? do NOT take it out on the shop owner. someone was faster, quantities are limited, and these businesses are often run but one person or a very small team! you aren’t shopping from amazon or a big box store. what is complaining to the shop owner going to get you? especially during the stress of the holidays, and not to mention the stress of the holiday season in a pandemic, leave the negativity at the door, and try again next time.