Park Snacks vol. 1

On the last day of our April trip, we made it a point to try two of the most popular Magic Kingdom eats on the list: LeFou's Brew and the Fresh Fruit Waffle Sandwich. We'd never tried these treats before, and knew that we couldn't pass up the opportunity to do so! 

I love waffles the way Leslie Knope loves waffles. Don's Instagram bio is his favorite Ron Swanson quote: "I'm a simple man. I like pretty, dark-haired women, and breakfast food," for crying out loud. So as lovers of waffles and all things breakfast food - we headed over to Sleepy Hollow Refreshments to sample the famed $7.99 waffle.

And it didn't disappoint.

 It could've been a prettier picture, but I was hungry, walking, and it was dark. 

It had just the right amount of sweetness, the waffle itself was golden: crispy on the outside, fluffy and light on the inside. The Nutella melted perfectly on top, and the fruit was fresh and juicy. Our only mistake was ordering one, it was a constant battle between our forks to get a bite. Honestly, this is probably my new favorite thing in the parks, I could eat it day in and day out. 10/10 would recommend. 

After briefly stopping to take a few pictures of our piping hot waffle, we made a beeline for Gaston's Tavern. We each ordered a Lefou's Brew ($5.49) and grabbed a table. [10 points to the restaurant for atmosphere]. Maybe it was because we were eating the waffle at the time, but we both agreed that it was just a tad too sweet. It had a lot going on all at once, so I'll break it down separately. But bear with me for this part, because it's going to make you question why I even drank it in the first place.

1. Frozen apple juice (with a hint of toasted marshmallow). I honestly, truly, don't like apple juice. But I had a feeling that the frozen version wouldn't bother me too much, and it really didn't! It was difficult to drink though, like with any frozen slush, you tend to drink most of the juice and are just left with unflavored ice, which is exactly what happened. It was still very tart, but the sweetness of the marshmallow helped to offset it.

2. The passionfruit/mango foam. Let's start with this, some of you may know that I'm actually allergic to mango. It's a slight allergy, more like an irritation, and it's usually not too bad unless I'm straight up eating a mango. So I wasn't crazy about the idea of this passionfruit/mango foam topping, but go big or go home right? No surprise, it was also really sweet, but actually pretty good.

All in all, I've done it once, I may go back for it again, but it's definitely not something I'll have to get in the parks. The tartness of the apple juice was absolutely cut by the sweetness of the marshmallow and the foam, but it proved to be too sweet in the end. You get a hefty portion, it's definitely a lot, but not exactly worth $5.49. 

The waffle, on the other hand, I will be recreating at home as often as humanly possible. And of course, I'll use it as an excuse to make more trips to "the World."