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Posts tagged disneyland
10 Tips for Disneyland in a Day

With a trip to L.A. in April, another coming up next month, and Disneyland in November, I'll somehow be in Disneyland three times this year.  For our April and July trips, we only had time to allow one day for Disneyland, so learning to maximize our time became essential. The 10 tips below are from what I learned during our April trip, and are based on what we did, and what we could have done better. 

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A Quick Weekend in L.A. - Part Two

I hadn't been to California since I was 10, and the first and last time I visited Disneyland, I was maybe 3 years old - and have absolutely no memory or photographic evidence of it. So although we only had a few hours to enjoy the parks, I milked every single second of it. It just so happened that this visit lined up with Pixar Fest, and the final weeks of the Cove Bar being open.

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