10 things i'm looking forward to this june

To say that this year has been…pretty awful…is an understatement.

Between the virus and the racism plaguing our nation right now, there’s a lot going on right now (head to my instagram highlights to find links for places to donate and learn).

There’s a lot right now that can take a toll on you. In no way am I suggesting that we stop fighting and advocating for justice - I’m simply taking a minute to focus on the things that will bring me some joy in the coming weeks. I implore you all to do the same.

  1. sunny weather + warm days

    • we are blessed to see the sun rise every day. especially with everything happening lately, we cannot take these beautiful consistencies for granted. the feeling of the sun shining on my face and basking in warm weather is something I’m definitely excited to experience soon.

  2. juneteenth

    • if you don’t know the history of juneteenth, please check it out here. this year, since we can’t gather in person (we technically can now, based on current guidelines for our state, but can’t for other reasons) - my friends and I are celebrating together virtually. while it’ll be different, I’m still excited to celebrate with my favorite people.

  3. pool days

    • though I fought my parents tooth and nail on it in third grade, I’m so thankful they put in a pool (they had to tear down my little swingset in order to break ground). with vacations on hold due to the virus, it’ll be nice to just make a little staycation in the yard.

      • also yes, I checked my privilege big time with this bullet point. I am aware of how “first-world problem” this sounds.

  4. cookouts

    • again, different from how they would normally look, but I can guarantee that my dad will be behind the grill every chance he gets. even if he’s reluctantly grilling me a turkey burger on his precious grill that should just be reserved for steaks and “real” burgers.

  5. mom shorts

    • if you know me, you know I LOVE my mom shorts. ironically, my mom hates them because of how unflattering they are, but I ADORE these shorts. couldn’t tell you why, but I’ll be wearing them every chance I get, even if I’m really not going anywhere.

  6. buying flowers

    • definitely something that can be done year round, but I like my ~inexpensive~ flowers from Trader Joe’s. the lines outside of my go-to grocery have been…lengthy because of social distancing, but with things relaxing ever so slightly this week, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to run in and out for my favorite daisies.

  7. listening to music + working outside

    • for those of you who live in a place with a more consistent type of weather, or like “one season,” this may be a foreign concept. my state feels the full force of all four seasons, so sitting outside to work simply isn’t a year-round option. summer means I can really enjoy the full force of the outdoors, run some music through the speakers, and craft, write, and read in the grass.

  8. longer days + summer nights

    • there is nothing quite like a summer night: the sun still barely lingering, it’s warm and breezy, with the smell of BBQ smoke swirling in the air, fireflies (or lightning bugs, depending on where you’re from) dancing through the sky, and maybe gearing up for roasting marshmallows for s’mores.

  9. the smell of sunscreen

    • definitely year round thing - because you should always wear sunscreen - but something about it in the summer just hits different. it reminds me of the summers growing up when I’d fight my parents or one of my aunties to just bolt outside, but they’d ALWAYS catch me on my way out the door, prepped to slap some thick goopy sunscreen all over me before setting me free.

  10. ice cream runs

    • my neighborhood stopped getting an ice cream truck before I hit my teens. but some of my favorite summer memories from when I was little was walking to the dairy farm across from my cousins’ house and getting a cone (swirl, rainbow sprinkles, always) after a long day of playing in the heat. many of our local ice cream spots have opened up again both for the season and in spite of the virus (hello new social distancing rules), i’m looking forward to cooling off and supporting some great local places.

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