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My 6-Month Plan to Avoid Holiday Shopping Stress

Fall is my favorite season, but Christmas is my favorite time of year. Does that make any sense? Catch me lighting pumpkin/cinnamon/forest scented candles and wearing flannels the second the clock strikes midnight on September 1 - but I’ll listen to my “Tree Decorating” or “Cookie Baking” or “Gift Wrapping” playlist any time of year. Plus, I don’t like Halloween, so basically, I just start my holiday joy a little earlier than most.

According to the harbinger of all things festive, Hallmark, it’s officially time for Christmas in July. Though it’s usually referring to sales, to me, Christmas in July is truly about getting ready for the holidays this early, in a bit of a different way. It’s less about shopping and more about planning now so I’m not feeling that holiday burnout by December 1.

I’ve broken down my month-by-month plan that makes what could be a stressful holiday season into just a regular holly jolly time.


This month is when I make my lists (and check them twice).

Gifting is my love language, so I love shopping or crafting the perfect present for everyone on my list! Throughout July, I make a list of everyone, and I mean everyone who’s getting a gift from me this year. That means family, friends, co-workers, mailman, neighbors, anyone who will even so much as get a card and a cookie from me in December goes on the list. I also make sure to note if I’ll see the recipient during the holiday season, or if something needs to be mailed.

With all the sales this month, if there’s something I know I’ll give as a gift and it’s on sale, I’ll get it now, and it will 100% sit in my closet for a few months.

All of this helps me budget, which of course, is what comes next.


Budgeting and window shopping.

August is primarily when budgeting happens, and I start narrowing down gift ideas. Looking at the recipient list from July, I make a rough estimate of how much I’d spend per person, and set a total number to avoid going over. When it comes to figuring out what to get someone, it can be a little tricky. The “want, need, wear, read,” method is good if you need a place to start (get someone a gift they want, one the need, one they can wear, and one they can read).

I start looking online for ideas, and jot down a few general ideas for each person on the list. If I find something specific, and it’s a reasonable price (and historically won’t go on sale), I’ll buy it then. If it’s something that’s likely to go on sale a little later, I’ll bookmark it and keep an eye on it.

By the end of the month, I’ll have a pretty good idea of how I’m shopping for everyone on my list!


Shop & do some cookie test runs.

That’s pretty much it. I shop. For gifts, for decor, wrapping paper, all the things. The earlier I can start, the better. Hobby Lobby has their Christmas decor up by now, so I like to check there first. As for the cookies, since I like to give them out as gifts (neighbors, office party, etc.), I like to brush up on my recipes now. For the New York Time chocolate chip cookie recipe (which is the one I started with when baking my cookies, but have heavily modified over time), click here.

For wrapping paper, shopping the after-Christmas sale is a good way to go. We stocked up on paper for this Christmas last year, when wrapping paper was at least 50% off at Target.


Officially, ‘tis the season.

As soon as Halloween is over, my little bedroom tree is going up. We don’t really decorate the house until we’re closer to Thanksgiving, and even then, our (fake) tree isn’t necessarily up until December, it’s mainly garland, wreaths, and other cute little pieces.

Any shopping that I haven’t done already is done now. Mainly larger items that will go on sale for Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday, as well as some small items for stocking stuffers. For some ideas for stocking stuffers from last year, check out this post! Though Don and I went Black Friday shopping last year, it’s something we definitely try to avoid. In my opinion, most of the deals from the big box stores typically aren’t that great, depending on what you’re trying to get. I really recommend waiting for Small Business Saturday, and shopping small. Deals aside, you get something unique, created with love, and have the chance to support some really great people.


By now, ideally, the shopping is finished.

The shopping that’s left is typically stocking stuffers. Does this happen every year? Absolutely not. I’m usually running around last second trying to find something for someone, but I’d like to be finished by now.

Holiday prep in December is just more decor, wrapping, baking cookies, and cuddling up to watch cheesy holiday movies. For my slow cooker cocoa recipe, click here. Christmas Eve is my absolute favorite day of the year. Between the movies, baking, holiday music, and all the love in the room, nothing brings me more joy than Christmas Eve.

As the family’s designated wrapper, I actually love (and take pride in) wrapping presents, and putting cute personalized touches on my wrapping. I’ll share some of my favorite ways to decorate presents as we get closer to the holiday season!

For the pinwheel cookies shown above, I just made sugar cookies, split the dough into 2 bowls, added a little red dye to one bowl. Rolled both doughs out, layer the red on top of the white, and then roll them into a log. Before baking them, I coated the log in seasonal nonpareils, sliced into cookies, and then baked.